Several product can be combined or used stand-alone to simulate in part or totally the submarine.

5Ks has wide experience in submarine simulators, delivered as stand-alone systems or integrated in multi platform systems (like the ASWTT)

STT (Submarine Tactical Trainer)
Composed typically by several stations to simulate the OpCenter of a modern sub, in its standard configurations it includes several consoles that serve the simulated sensors, weapons systems, navigation systems.
It can be customized to replicate in totally or in part the real on-board systems.

SSNS (Submarine Surface Navigation Simulator)
Simulated the submarine surface navigation with a  high immersive projection theater and  conning tower mock-up.
Can be used standalone as well as coupled with STT for effectively simulate the coordination between the conning tower OOW and the helmsman station, as well as coordinate the crew for immersion and emersion procedures.

SonSim Sonar Simulator
SonSim sonar is a state-of-the-art realtime sonar simulator able to effectively train Sonar operator in both basic and advanced training.
Available in generic interface or several replica of real-onboard systems, it elaborates in real time the underwater sonar environment.
Applicable to surface unit training (HMS, TAS, VDS), submarine units (CAS, TAS, FAS) as well as airborne platforms (Dipping sonar, sonobuoys) it is in use in several worldwide navies, as standalone system or integrated in more complex systems

SIS (Submarine IPMS Simulator)
Generic IPMS for basic training, can be customized to replicate real IPMS.
Can be integrated in the STT or supplied as stand-alone system.
Available in basic version having only the basic trim & ballast functionalities or complete IPMS.