Several training simulation systems are available to simulate a warship, available as stand-alone systems or connected systems for integral crew and operator training.
Multiple surface units can be combined in the same simulation infrastructure for multiple crew training.
Training modes possible are parallel (independent exercises), collaborative (crew are part of the unit/same fleet) or opposition (units act as opposing forces).
A flexible simulation system for matching all training requirements.
FMBS (Full Mission Bridge Simulator)
Generic or replica bridges are designed to meet any Navy and Law Enforcement demands.
Being based on a modular and flexible approach, it is possible to propose a solution to fit any constrain in terms of space and budget.
It is possible to customize the bridge layout, as well as consoles design, to replicate real on-board systems.
additional specific modules can be added to train on particular operations, such as RAS/FAS, helicopter decking and aircraft landing, RHIB , etc.

Replica bridge (layout and consoles) with CMS console on bridge

Full Mission Bridge
NCSTT (Naval Combat System Tactical Trainer)
NCSTT simulates a COP with all its associated sensors, weapons, countermeasures, data link as well as the typical roles and authorizations for each operator.
NCSTT supports independent and parallel single operator training and crew training.
Single unit COP can be simulated or, having a sufficient number of consoles, the simulator system can split in to 2 (or more) opposing force platform.
All naval warfare domain are simulated AAW, ASuW, ASW
Thanks to the completely user configurable database system, Navies can create, modify and manage all platforms data in total autonomy.
Several CMS types are already available as replica systems, as well as it is possible to customize the NCSTT to replicate real-on board systems, for maximum training effectiveness.

CIC simulator

CIC simulator